Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Have you ever noticed that some businesses take off almost instantaneously, while others struggle for months or even years to get off the ground? Some of this success or failure can be attributed to external factors such as market conditions. However, all other factors being equal, a truly great entrepreneur can build a business much faster than one who is merely average. Here are some key points to being a successful entrepreneur.
Idea - Becoming a great entrepreneur begins with discovering a great idea. Look around to find a need that is not being filled, and then develop a way to fill that need. The basic idea is at the heart of your business, so make sure that yours is the best it can be.
Attitude/Personality - Your attitude can make or break your company. Successful entrepreneurs possess an energetic and upbeat "can do" attitude. Believe in yourself and your business venture and adopt the attitude that nothing is impossible, and you will be well on your way to success.
Business Plan - A formal business plan is often required to obtain funding. Even if you are self-funded, however, it is important to write this document. The business plan will act as a guide map, detailing your current operating procedures and plans for future growth. It should be a living document, changing as needed while giving your company structure.
Drive/Focus - A great entrepreneur has the drive to make things happen and the ability to keep his or her company focused and goal-oriented. It is important to learn how to motivate others as well.
Ability - Your company must be able to do what it sets out to do. You must be at least as good at doing it as your competitors are. Therefore, it is important to assess your own skills and abilities and hire staff to perform those job functions that are outside your skill set.
Flexibility - There is no place for rigidity in a growing business. You must be adaptable and willing to make on-the-spot decisions and last minute changes. Use your business plan as a guideline, but never be afraid to alter it as needed.
Communication - A great entrepreneur is a great communicator. You are the public face of your company as well as the final decision maker in staff disputes. Therefore, you must be equally comfortable motivating staff and presenting your business to the media. Develop a communication style that works for you, but know how to alter it for changing audiences.
Some people are simply born leaders, while others find taking the reins of a growing business to be more challenging. However, focusing on the dimensions detailed above will help even the most unsure new business owner to become a dynamic leader, capable of steering his or her company through any situation.
Be Business Smart has been created to assist anyone who is setting up a new company and to offer valuable support and advice to individuals who wish to expand their current business.
Did you realise that approximately 80% of new businesses fail each year? You certainly don't want to become one of those statistics. Fortunately, Be Business Smart can provide you with the help and support you need to ensure your business becomes a success!

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