Monday, January 12, 2009


chosen information technology as your field and you can not know everything about information technology. When the jobs start coming in be an expert in the field you know and contract the business that you are not an expert to your panthers and for you to succeed well you need many contractors to give jobs to when the jobs start coming. This is good for business because you will always meet up with client demand.
Before you start to look for panthers or contractor you need to have your business running and the jobs have started coming. Get one or two panther every month and as the business grow faster and more jobs are coming search for more panthers.
One other big benefit you get from this business is that these panthers also help you sell your business, they help tell others about you and your consulting business which means more jobs for you and they too also outsource jobs to you too, jobs they know they have weakness.
Also teach your fellow consultant who do not know about this method of making more money from consulting and make more money for yourself by becoming a consultant to your fellow consultant and as you are doing all these you are also selling yourself and the consulting business. List of consulting business you can do even as a beginner. download free
Do not let your not been an expert in all the field in information technology stop you from earning money from consulting there are thousands of jobs waiting for you there in the internet and off the internet for you. Applied this method I have taught you and you will see that there is much money to be made from the internet if you are a consultant and to learn to become a consultant I am here for you and there is free download at

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